Thursday, May 20, 2010


Just updating because I can. No space to work, so nothings gotten done.

Have been reasearching a LOT lately into the model horse world, customs, resins, mold casting and making, and have gotten pretty psyched about going in that direction.

The dragon I started this blog with is currently wrapped in saran wrap, in a ceramic protection dish, up on a high shelf in my closet.

At this particular living location (Nope, won't call it home) I have No space, No room, and absolutely No privacy to get anything done. The dragon was started on the kitchen table last summer, and I had 5 kids constantly involved, wanting to play with MY professional clay. After a few days of trying to keep an eye on them and attempt to get work done, I got fed up and put it all away, and it hasn't come back out since.

My plans are still the same, just put on the back burner for a while. I have a very specific place I want to go artistically, and I'm going to use this semi-permanent down time to start gathering up materials and tools I will need. The financial strain won't be as great if I spread things out, I think. I picked up a like new dremmel from craigslist last summer for under $20, with the full accessories pack. Its somewhere around here, need to go find it.

Also collecting how to videos, searching out instructional manuals (One is $95 + shipping!), and the like.

This summer I WILL have a studio, I'm being promised by the long time male other half. He owns three of the above mentioned 5 kids. Will have to discuss studio access rules with him when the time comes.

Till then, this blog might turn into a few other directions, we'll see how that goes!

Until then, check out the other blog I write daily, which has a much better start than this one did!

Its a daily blog featuring horses up for sale on craigslist... and some of the dummest ones I can find.

Happy spring!

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